AUS | multifandom | AN eccentric pirate

Ahoy all, pleasure to meetI love art and makin character designs
Welcome aboard and enjoy you stay


Pleased to make your acquaintance, I'm Kapptto!
I'm an aspirin artist who hopes to become a concept artist one of these days.

I'm a self-taught artist workin in a primarily digital medium, but I am not adverse to traditional art, 3D sculptin and costume design.

Me fav colours are orange & purple (as you can see) and enjoy things such as freaky-supernatural creatures, fantasy, horror, formal and piratecore wear. Some of me fav media mediums are comics, video games and video essays.

As you probably saw, I dabble in many fandoms! Some medias I fixate on a little too much include Homestuck, Batman (mainly rouges), Deltarune/Undertale and more!
(I also draw quite a few ocs outside of fanart)